Why Is My Water Softener Sweating?


So, you’ve walked into your garage or basement and noticed that your water softener is “sweating”. In fact, you notice water beading up and dripping off the tank as you’re standing there.

So, what’s causing this? Is it normal?

If your water softener is “sweating”, it’s most likely because warm air is condensing on the cool surface of your water softener.

Don’t worry, some condensation is normal (and unavoidable in Florida’s warm, humid climate).

But if that condensation is getting a little out of control, there are a few tricks you can try to manage how much your water softener is sweating.

We’ll give you a solution to stop the sweating. But first, let’s explain exactly why your water softener is producing condensation in the first place.

Some condensation on your water softener is normal

Here’s the secret behind all that condensation on your tank: warm air hitting a cold surface produces moisture.

Think of your tank as an ice-cold can of soda sitting outside on a hot day. The more the warm air hits that cold surface, the more water beads up on the outside of the can, right?

And because your water softener is usually located in warmer areas of the home (that is, the basement or garage), it’s bound to produce some condensation.

How much your water softener sweats really just depends on the difference in temperature between the tank itself and the surrounding air. The larger the difference in temperatures, the more condensation you’ll see.

Note: if your water tank is actually producing gallons of water, you most likely have a leak somewhere in the tank or nearby pipes. In which case you’d want to have a professional plumber inspect the tank and offer the best solution?

Now let’s look at some of the ways you can control the condensation levels.

The solution? Insulate the tank to prevent condensation

Adding insulation over the surface of your water softener basically puts a (warmer) barrier between the cold surface of your tank and the warm air. And that means less condensation.

There are lots of insulation options out there, though. We suggest choosing a material that gives you a “skin tight” connection, like foam or neoprene insulation.

Need a short-term option while you’re shopping around for insulation?

Place a pan underneath the water softener tank. This will help catch moisture dripping off the water softener so that there’s no risk of water damage. We suggest placing a small amount of bleach in the pan to prevent mold or bacteria growth.

Have more water softener questions? Ask a Florida plumber

Have questions on water softener insulation? Or have other water softener problems? Whatever your problem, we’re here to help. We have locations in Sarasota, Tampa, Orlando, & Naples and serve the surrounding areas in Florida.

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